
Thursday, February 9, 2012

Saying goodbye

It's always sad when an employee leaves Foodshare, but when that person is moving onto a great new position, we can't be sad for the loss for too long.

Today was Krista Ostazewski's last day at Foodshare.  Krista started at Foodshare as an Americorps volunteer when we had the idea that maybe volunteers could help with SNAP outreach and screening.  Although a lot of people told us that it could not be done, that it was too complicated for volunteers, Krista took on the challenge of developing a pilot program, working with the Third Age Initiative at Leadership Greater Hartford.

And she succeeded!  When her Americorps year was up, we hired Krista to run this program and last year, the dedicated SNAP volunteers screened nearly 1,000 people to see if they were eligible for this benefit.
Because Krista stepped outside of that role to help with organizing the Turkey and a Twenty campaign each fall, we did present her with a special hand-made hat!

Krista starts a new job tomorrow, working for the state Department of Social Services.  We're glad for her, even though we will tremendously miss her energy, passion, and enthusiasm.

And no Foodshare party would be complete without cake.  Krista is so special to us, that she got cake, cookies, and a cranberry tart!  We'll miss you, Krista, and wish you all the best in your new endeavors!

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