
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Mesh bags, bet you were wondering what they are!

If you've inquired about volunteering at Foodshare, you may have heard something about mesh bags and wondered what we were talking about.  We use mesh bags, think onion bag from the store, to pack much of the fresh produce we distribute.

We can buy the mesh in large rolls, but then it needs to be cut to the right length and one end closed into a bag with a knot.  This has proved to be a popular, and portable, volunteer project, as well as a $3,000 savings to Foodshare.

In December 2011 we bought 18 rolls of onion mesh.  Each roll was 16,000 feet long.  18 X 16,000 equals 288,000 feet, equals 3,465,000 inches.  At 16 inches per bag that equals 216,000 bags. 
Foodshare's great volunteers just finished this monumental task!

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