
Thursday, May 1, 2014

Building an organization of leaders

I recently attended a leadership training where I heard, "The most important job of a leader is building new leaders."

It brought me back to a blog entry from fellow food bank CEO Erik Talkin from the Food Bank of Santa Barbara County, in which he asks the question, "Do you have the courage to let people ‘borrow the keys’ to your organization?"

Erik argues that we will never reach the scale required to solve a problem like hunger if we rely on old paradigms. There's that paradigm word again. I wrote about it a few weeks ago and again last week!

In his blog entry, Erik makes a case for why an army of volunteers is needed to solve this problem and how to engage them. Sounds a bit like Foodshare, doesn't it, with our "Movement to Solve Hunger" and goal of engaging 30,000 people. Erik makes a good case for the need to engage people in new ways and that is also what we are after at Foodshare.

Will you join us as a leader in the work to end hunger? Have you joined the movement yet? If not, you can do so here.

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