A new Census Bureau report provides demographic data of people close to, but not below, official poverty thresholds from 1966 to 2012. These are people with family income between 100 and 125% of the poverty thresholds. The report shows that Nearly one-third of the near-poor in 2012 received SNAP benefits, while 85% lived with a family member receiving a free or reduced lunch in school. According to the report:
▪ About 14.7 million people, or 4.7% of the population, were near-poor in 2012.
▪ The "near-poverty" rate is down from 6.3% in 1966; this rate has remained more stable than the poverty rate itself over the past four decades.
▪ The likelihood of being near-poor decreases as level of educational attainment rises.
Source: US Census Bureau, 5/1/14, Near Poverty
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