
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Giving back

Ali, one of our Administrative Assistants sent me this e-mail this morning:

"Yesterday while I was covering the front desk a man came in to make a cash donation of $1,000.  Arelys came up to help me write him a receipt, and while she was writing it up, he and I were chatting.  He said that a few years back, he lost his job and Foodshare helped him make it through and feed his family.  Now, he’s back on his feet and had extra money to make a donation.  He was going to donate half to us and half to Breast Cancer, but then read online and saw that $30 can feed a person for 30 days and said he was just amazed by that, so he donated all of the money to us.  It’s great to see how someone that Foodshare once helped is now helping Foodshare and other families in our area.  He was so thankful to us and so happy to be helping the organization.  It was very touching and I am so glad I was at the front desk when he came in!"

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