
Saturday, March 23, 2013


Low-income immigrants use public benefits like SNAP and Medicaid at a lower rate than low-income native-born citizens, according to the Cato Institute, a libertarian think-tank. The institute’s analysis compares immigrant and native-born use of Medicaid, SNAP, cash assistance, and the Supplemental Security Income program based on 2012 Census Bureau data. It finds that low-income (family income below 200% of poverty) non-citizen children and adults use these government programs at a generally lower rate than comparable low-income native-born citizen children and adults, and the average value of public benefits received per person is generally lower for non-citizens than for natives. Because of the lower benefit utilization rates and the lower average benefit value for low-income non-citizen immigrants, the cost of public benefits to noncitizens is substantially less than the cost of equivalent benefits to the native-born. Many immigrants are ineligible for public benefits because of their immigration status.

Source: Cato Institute, 3/4/13, Immigrants

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