
Friday, May 23, 2014


Child obesity has more than doubled in the past 30 years and poses a serious health threat. Recently, though, some progress has been made.  The rise in child obesity rates has halted thanks to a multi-pronged response by the federal government and health professionals. But these reforms are in jeopardy.  In three areas where the USDA has implemented science-based policies to improve children’s diets—school meals, school snacks, and foods offered by the WIC program—affected industries are seeking to reverse those policies in the upcoming Agriculture Appropriations bill. 

At Congress’ direction, USDA strengthened nutrition standards for school meals, like including more whole grains and vegetables and less sugar and salt. But some in Congress want to allow waivers from those standards for any school district that shows a net loss in its food service program for a six-month period, regardless of whether the loss is caused by implementing the new standards. (USDA this week gave schools a 2-year reprieve on a requirement that all grain products in schools be more than half whole grain, if they can demonstrate that they have had "significant challenges" in preparing those products.) The School Nutrition Association, which represents school food administrators and is supported by food service manufacturers, wants the waiver. The SNA estimates that about 1 million fewer students participated in the school lunch program last year—in part due to the new federal requirements.

USDA also established new rules for foods sold in schools that are not part of the school lunch or breakfast program, like the soda and candy sold in vending machines.  Congress is also considering a waiver to these rules. 

Source: Center for Budget and Policy Priorities, 5/20/14, Anti-Obesity Rules; WNPR, 5/20/14,School Lunch Rules

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