
Friday, May 23, 2014

East Hartford Hunger Action Team hosts forum

The crowd begins to gather...
The East Hartford Hunger Action Team hosted a forum called “A Conversation about Hunger in East Hartford” on Wednesday evening at the New Covenant Methodist Church.  The forum had a total of 61 people in attendance and 13 local organizations involved in food and hunger issues set up informational tables. 

I provided an overview of Foodshare’s "Bridging the Gap, A Community Plan to End Hunger," which was well received by a very engaged audience.  In addition, State Representative Tim Larson shared his thoughts and reactions to what he had heard and offered his assistance in solving the challenges of hunger in town.

Jim Crawford from End Hunger CT! explains some
of the issues and programs to State Representative
Tim Larson
Other speakers from East Hartford school food services and End HungerCT! were also on the agenda.  It was a great event, with a lot of really engaged people who asked good questions and stayed after the formal program ended to ask more. 

We look forward to seeing the coverage in the East Hartford Gazette!

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