
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Driving to end hunger

Name:  Don Barisano (who goes by Donny B. at Foodshare to distinguish him from the other Don on our staff!)

Your role at Foodshare:  Truck driver, which includes not only picking up and delivering donated food, but also overseeing Mobile Foodshare distribution sites, helping to keep things on track and solving problems when they arise

How long have you been with Foodshare?  Six, almost seven, years

Hobbies:  Drinking coffee and my family”

Why I do what I do:  “It’s what I’m best at and it’s the way I can best help promote Foodshare’s goal to end hunger.”

Most significant accomplishment:  Finding God in my life”

A personal/professional goal:   Retire on the beach and drink coffee”

What was the hardest thing you’ve had to learn at Foodshare?  “To be more open-minded about people’s differences”

What has changed the most at Foodshare in your time here?  “The growth, the size and scope of what we do!”

What has stayed the same?  “The mission statement, our desire to press on to end hunger”

If you could be, or do, anything else – what would it be?  “I’ve been asked that question my whole life and I still don’t know!”

What are you most proud of?  My family

Anne Frank once said that in spite of everything, she believed people were basically good. Do you agree or disagree? Why?   “Disagree.  In reality, people are prone to be less than good.  We can change that through God’s grace.”

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