The Varney family farm donates 100% of their annual harvest to Foodshare, and we rely on volunteers to maintain and harvest the 4-acre garden. Volunteer shifts are Wednesdays 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m., and Saturdays 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Children 5 and up are welcome (with a guardian), which makes this is a great family activity! Please contact Edna or Keith for more information and availability.
Job Mentoring
Foodshare is exploring approaches its partner agencies can take to help clients with employment. On Thursday, September 18 from 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Foodshare's "Agency Advisory Council" will meet at our Bloomfield location to discuss a possible structure for a Job Mentoring program. We would like to have some volunteers with experience in Human Resources be a part of the discussion. Depending on how the conversation goes, these volunteers could also help implement the program going forward, if interested. Usually a dozen or so agencies come to these Council meetings, so we are hoping for a lively, informative discussion. If interested, please contact George Lombardo at 860-286-9999 x143 or Kai Loundon at 860-286-9999 x112.
Mobile Foodshare
Mobile Foodshare is an outdoor food distribution for persons of low income. The food choices vary from week to week but usually include bread and several types of fresh produce. One volunteer rides with a Foodshare driver and assists in distribution. Due to summer vacations, we're in need of 2-3 volunteers to be "on call" to help fill in for our regular volunteers. Please contact Edna or Keith for more information and availability.
Become an e-advocate
Are you looking to take a more proactive role in battling hunger issues here in Connecticut? Write letters, make phone calls or visit elected officials in support of anti-hunger legislation. Sign up online to receive Advocacy Action Alerts.
Regional Market in Hartford
Foodshare's facility at the regional market receives as much as 6.5 million pounds of fresh produce annually, and volunteers are needed to help inspect and repackage these vegetables for distribution. Shifts are available Monday through Saturday in the morning and afternoon. Please contact Edna or Keith for more information and availability.
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